
Friday, January 18, 2013

The Return of Winter

We knew it wouldn't last long, the early spring feel where we could leave off the earmuffs, gloves and scarves, where we could upzip (a little) the heavy coat, and once again wear shoes banning the boots to the closet. We knew that sooner, rather than later, all of winter would return. So it was no surprise to wake up to snow on Wednesday.

The dogs were not happy; well Becke was not happy, at almost 13 getting down and back up those back deck steps gets hard. Add a few inches of snow and ice and she just as soon wait till Spring returns before "letting loose" if you know what I mean.  August doesn't care at all, in fact he was more interested in the dog who lives behind us (but has never seen because there are woods between the two houses). He runs outside, barking in the direction of the house and we hear their dog barking back. The next sound that is heard is the two owners both saying "OK, Get back in here".

We ended up with about 4.5 inches of the stuff and it might have not been a big deal except that it fell during morning rush hour traffic so it was nasty!  We could not see driving to work, there were several cars off the road and a few accidents, in fact my 15 minute drive to work took me 50 minutes! Thank goodness I had a full tank of gas.

It is very pretty to look at, not so pretty to drive in! It's great snowman-making snow, it's not so great to clean off your car so you can drive home.  It brings "Joy" (my one word for the year) to many, I'm happy for them.
It is winter, I get that. 
            It is New Hampshire, I understand. 
                                                 I'm just asking.......

How many days till Spring????
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. Oh, lucky are you? I'd love to have just a little snow to enjoy for a day or two, then I'd be ready for it to be gone. We were supposed to get a light dusting here in GA., but no such luck. For your sake, I hope you thaw out soon...stay safe and warm!

  2. It sure is pretty! I say one good snowfall and then bring on spring!! To bad it doesn't work that way. :(

  3. The pictures are gorgeous, but I can imagine you are anxious for spring! Poor Becke, I feel for her trying to get up and down the steps. Clancy would love to live with you though, he loves snow more than anything. Unfortunately for him (and fortunately for me) we don't get much around here.

    Stay warm and have a great weekend! :)

  4. I'm in DC and no snow here, although they were calling for it. I'm kinda glad. My hubs always hauls the snowblower around to the backyard and clears the patio and makes a path into the yard for the dog. She loves snow, but likes to know the grass is there too : )

  5. I'll continue to keep you warm and toasty, my love!

  6. Our Illinois winter sure hasn't produced much snow! If it gonna be cold it might as well snow! lol..Sure looks wintery around your place.Safe travels!

  7. 61 days til spring :) (honestly as of today; there's a blog I follow that she counts down the days of the seasons)

    Wow! what a "nice" surprise to wake up to! Poor Becke, you can almost see it in her fact "do I have to go"

    I remember when we lived in Montana, we eventually got used to driving in the snow (we collectively) but that first snow storm after a period of nice weather was always a tough one for us to remember how to drive on it. Glad you got to and home work safely!



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