
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge: This and That

Poor Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond, she is still sick. I sure hope she gets well soon, being ill is not fun!  Thanks Joyce for coming up with the questions this week.

1. In the USA this coming Sunday millions will be watching as the Baltimore Ravens take on the San Francisco 49's in the Superbowl. What was the last event you attended that could be described as super?

Hubby and I went to see Les Mis a week ago and it was a super movie as was our date. We've not been on a movie date in a long time and it was such an amazing movie. I so enjoyed our time together. Super movie shared with super good company = super time.

2. Share something you're a fan of these days?

Sunshine!  It has been bitter cold here and when we did see the sun it was too far away and not very strong so nothing felt warm.
I see the days getting longer but so far most of the 24 hours is night. I am looking forward to the morning sunshine showing up. I love waking up with the sun on my face. So I'm a fan of the sunshine!

3. How do you feel about wings? In case anyone is confused, I'm talking the edible appetizer kind. What's your preferred seasoning on a wing-hot, mild, teryiaki, sweet and sour, other? Do you make your own or is there a favorite place you like to go for wings?

I like wings that are mild and grilled!  I don't make ours and usually get them at the grocery store.

4. As long as we're talking sports today...have you followed the Lance Armstrong story? Did you watch his interview with Oprah and if so what was your reaction to his confession and subsequent remarks?
I did not watch the interview at all since I really don't care for him. He cheated and then hurt people who told the truth. He even financially ruined some of them for telling the truth!! He is only doing this so he can get into the Olympics.  He is a coward, a bully and I have no interest in seeing him in any sports EVER. But I'm not bitter.....

5. What's a question you hate to be asked?
I really cannot think of a question that I don't mind answering.  I would rather answer a question, then have someone "guess" what I might say and then spread rumors based on the "guess". Better to ask and get the answer straight from me.

6. The coaches in this Sunday's big game happen to be real life brothers. Jim Harbaugh coaches the 49er's and his older brother John Harbaugh coaches the Baltimore Ravens. Were you and your sibling(s) competitive? In what way? Are you still? If you're an only child how did you handle competition growing up?
I have one sister and we were too far apart to be competitive at all. We are not competitive now either.

7. What's your favorite game involving a ball and when did you last play?
I would have to say catch with our granddaughters. Nothing like playing with the grand kids.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Becke is officially 13 years old today! Breakfast was scrambled eggs with cheese and a piece of bacon. Supper will include a little lobster!  Life is good! Happy Birthday Becke, the wonder dog, and many, many more happy returns of the day, please!
So now it's your turn to answer the questions and join in on the fun.


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet Becke...and may she be around for many more years to come!

    1. April,
      From your lips to God's ears - many, many more please God.

  2. Happy 1st bday to Becke!! She is beautiful.
    I buy my wings at the grocery store. I don't like them, so I don't make them. LOL

    1. Tami,
      Thank you for the birthday wishes. She had a good day. 13th birthday was fun.

  3. A date night-how wonderful-I could be a fan of this. Happy Birthday to Becke!

  4. Happy Birthday to Becke sweet!! As for Les Miserables we saw it too, and I was a bit disappointed in it for it's entirety...the singing wasn't all that good, but the scenes were incredible. I'd much prefer seeing the play.

    A Movie date sounds awesome.

    1. Thank you for the Birthday wishes. She had a good day. I've not seen the play so had nothing to compare it to.

  5. Happy Birthday to your sweet pup! There is something so special about an old dog. Ours will be 11 in March.

    1. Thank you Joyce. I hope you give your baby a special treat on his special day.

  6. I too look forward to more sunlight. Our weather has been crazy. Today we broke a record for high temperatures.

  7. Happy birthday to Becke! May she have many more birthdays!

  8. Happy Birthday to your sweet Becke!

    I think you and I may have similar feelings regarding Lance Armstrong :)

    1. Kathy,
      Thank you from Becke. Being 13 is good at our house.

  9. Happy birthday Becke! You look great for 13 years old!! I hope you enjoyed your breakfast!!

    I'm with you, Lynn, playing catch with grandchildren sounds like a great thing to do with a ball!


    1. Betty, Thank you Becke sure did enjoy her breakfast but as a lab, she eats just about anything thinking its the best food ever. Such a silly girl.

  10. Good answer to #5. Happy Birthday to Becke!!

  11. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear Becke . . .
    You are the Wonder Dog, that's true!

    Best wishes to the best therapy dog I know - you are a treasure.
    Aunt Anu from North Carolina

  12. Thank you Anu, Becke enjoyed her birthday which started with scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese and a slice of bacon and ended with lobster with a bit of melted butter for dinner. Good thing birthdays are only once a year.

  13. Happy Birthday to your Becke! What a blessing to have her for so many years! She sure is a beauty!

  14. Saw Les Miserables on Tuesday and love it! Like your answer on sunshine. We had some great sun today and I just spread out my arms and took it all in. Happy Birthday Becke!!!!


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