
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Back to Normal?

The house has been "De-Christmased". All the gifts are put away (well mine are away, Hubby's are still out and around.  The wrapping paper has been collected by the trash man, the food has been eaten (and weight has been gained). The decorations are pulled down and packed away back in the attic.

It's kind of sad in a way. August has his perch back and can now sit on top of the toy cabinets and view the world just ourside.  He loves the outdoors but it is causing a mess for his long flowing hair!  

Becke was far more interested in our gifts than her stocking gifts and needed help getting her stocking contents out. 

Once August figured out there were toys and food inside of his stocking, he was all about getting the goodies out of it.

But through it all We are Family! We may be nuts at times, but we are loved and we love all the nuts in our gene pool.  

Now, go hug someone!!!


  1. Like I always say..."YOU CAN'T BEAT GENETICS!" I love your nutty genes!

  2. My family jokes that instead of a family tree we have a nut tree!

  3. Ours is almost done. All the decorations are down and put away. However, the tree (with only the lights) is still up. Hoping to put it away tonight and put my furniture back in place and then we'll be "back to normal."

  4. I still have a few Christmas decorations out ... and I doubt if they get put away before we leave. ;-)

  5. I am getting ready to take mine down. It's time!
    I love August in his stocking....too cute.

  6. Its always sad when the Christmas decorations/trees come down. We remember what a great time we have. The way things are these days though, before we know it, it will be December 2013 and we'll be putting them up again!



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