
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year - New Hodgepodge

A brand new Year means that a new Hodgepodge for 2013 starts today. Thank you Joyce.

1.  How did you ring in the new year?
To be honest, we both fell sleep and woke up to 2013.   We had pizza for dinner (the Chinese Restaurant was so busy they stopped answering their phone) and ended up toasting in the new year Tuesday night!  Exciting right? 

2.  What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2013?
Well, I'm looking forward to several things, grandgirls birthdays, SUMMER (my favorite time of year), but right now I am enjoying seeing the day light get longer and longer every day.  Gotta love getting 1 minute extra of daylight today.

3.  Steven Spielberg is quoted as saying, "All of us every single year, we're a different person.  I don't think we're the same person all our lives."  What say you?
We do change, we do grow, we do expand our being. I believe that when God accepts us where we are He doesn't want us to stay where He found us but wants us to become more like Him.  That takes time, but over time, we can become more like Him. Therefore we are not the same people we were in the past. 

4. The Pantone color of the year for 2013 is emerald green. Like or dislike? Do you already own something this color?  Will you add something in this shade to your home or wardrobe in 2013? 
I love green. I have lots of green in our home and also I do enjoy wearing it. It's one of those colors that make me feel warm when I wear it so I will most likely add it to my summer wardrobe.

5.  Speaking of emerald...what's your favorite gemstone?
Diamond is my 1st favorite because it's part of my wedding ring and that wedding set is dear to my heart.  Amethyst is my 2nd favorite because it's purple and I'm all "girly-girl"

6. Share a favorite book or movie from 2012.
We don't go to movies very often, they have become loud, crowded, expensive and often way too long to sit in a tiny seat with no leg room. We wait until they come out on TV and watch them then. Unless it's something like a Harry Potter or Star Trek movie, then we are there as soon as it opens (but not at midnight). We get there really early so that we can find the few seats at the back row that also cover the steps so that we have some leg room. Hubby tells me that we went to see "The Avengers" in May 2012. As for a book, I have enjoyed the Elizabeth Lynn Casey series-Southern Sewing Circle Series. Murder mystery with a Christian slant.  It's a good read.

7.  What is something you want to tell yourself at the start of this brand new year?
"It's time to Do-Over"  I like the feeling that I can reset my goals and move forwarded. This year, I plan to look for more humor in life and not put so much pressure on me or others to be what I think they should be.  I will give it over to God faster and let Him deal with the details.
 8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Our house has been officially "De-Christmased". It takes a few days to put it all up and it takes one very long day to get it all down. The reason it takes longer to get up than down is I also put up decorations that will stay up all winter.  I love snowmen, so those stay up all winter.  They will come down in March.

Now it's your turn, jump around and visit others, see their answers, add yours and have fun.  


  1. I dread the de-Christmasing. I want to get started on it because I have a daughter home to help me : ) I might just do a box or two a day and take it down in pieces. We have a lot of fun planned for this week so I don't want to get bogged down in the un-decorating. I have til the 6th, right? : )

  2. As much as I love to bring out the Christmas decor I also love for it to be put away! After a busy month I need the freshness and simplicity.

  3. I is a warm feeling...Spring, Summer, just all out fresh and warming and comforting.

  4. I love smowmen, too, and will leave mine out for the entire month of January. They're the only kind of snowmen I'll ever see here in southeastern GA.

  5. Our de-Christmasing is done however before we put back the original decor we are going to paint.

  6. I'm definitely going to check out that Sewing Circle Series books ... I'm always on the lookout for good books, and a murder mystery with a slight Christian slant sounds perfect!!

    Love your answer to #3!!

  7. I'm a snowman person too. They stay out through February since it is "winter".

  8. I am a fan of extra day light each day too. Wishing you and yours a very happy new year!

  9. When your with the one you love it doesn't really matter, the important part is that you have each other in the New Year! I agree with your answer for #3, we do change and grow. I do love green but emerald is not my favorite green. I will start on my decorations next week. It's takes me weeks so I am enjoying them now. Trees may have to stay up longer since we have a trip coming up!

  10. We were about the same with New Year's Eve; I had to work the next morning so I knew there was no way I was going to make it to midnight. Fox had their celebrations 3 hours ahead of our time on TV so at 9 p.m. when the ball was dropping in New York, we kissed, said "Happy New Year" and then went to bed at 10 p.m.

    I took am enjoying that little bit more of light every day!

    Happy New Year!


  11. Great answer to #3. So glad he is always changing us, although sometimes growth hurts. Your New Years is what ours is typically like, but we were blessed to be able to do something different and fun this year.


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