Welcome to the Fall edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge and I hope you join in on the fun.
1. The Wednesday Hodgepodge this week falls on John Chapman's birth date. He's more famously known as Johnny Appleseed...what's your favorite variety of apple?
I really like Gala and Pink Lady apples.
2. When did you last say 'ick'?
I was reading a story about a 2 headed snake! I thought "ick" real fast as this snake has a head at both ends! Talk about Push Me-Pull Me!
3. Do you think there's a generation gap? Explain.
I often think that there is a time when parents and kids don't see eye to eye and time has to pass before both can fully see the point of view of the other. Grandparents and grandchildren often see eye to eye and enjoy each other's company. Not sure if that is a generation gap or if generations needs space.
4. What's on your computer screen saver? Do you leave it alone or change it often?
At work I have a picture of our little dog August playing out in the day care yard. At home there is a picture of me and my friend Anu with our little dogs when we were down south last November. I don't change it very often because I love the pictures and makes me smile each time I see them.
5. If you had the attention of the entire world for two minutes, what would you say?
"STOP" Stop trying to get someplace and look where you are. Stop fighting and enjoy what you have. Stop blaming the world for your troubles and do something about it. Stop hurting our children and start protecting them. Stop letting criminals out and keep them in jail away from everyone. Stop watching all those "Reality " shows, you must know that they are not "Reality". Stop chasing sin and chase truth, faith and God.
6. Four fashion trends to try this fall are-brocade/jacquard (fancy printed fabrics), peplum, lace, and printed pants...which of these four would you be most likely to wear?
OK well, I'm not a slave to fashion. My clothes consist of jeans, warm tops, warm sock, sneakers and a few heels. I dress for warmth not fashion. So I will continue to wear what I wear.
7. What can make your bad day better?Coming HOME to Gerry and the dogs. Having cuddle time on the couch or out on the deck with those I love. Quiet prayer time with my Lord.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
The new season of our favorite shows start this week. Have you been watching? I really like The Big Bang Theory and it started this week. How about you? Enjoying the new season. I'm wondering how long it will be before the shows that I've not seen are already canceled!