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Life is not always clear and easy to figure out. So grab a cup of coffee and your bifocals and let's see what we can see.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge:

I'm so glad to have the Hodgepodge this week as my life this week has been pretty boring! If it were not for this, I have no idea what I would blog about unless you want to hear about the ticks that Hubby is still taking off of August!
Anyhow, you all know what to do so lets have fun.

1. It's a brand new month...share one thing you're looking forward to in October.The beautiful colors on NH in the fall! All the color that is right out side our country home.

2.  Is chivalry dead?  Explain. Not in the friends that I have! The men still open doors for their wives, still pull out chair's and even bring home dinner when the wives are too tired after a long day to even think about dinner.  I have one of those men and I am so very grateful.

3.  On October 2, 1950 the Peanuts comic strip made its debut.  Which character is your favorite?  Which character is most like you?  (Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Shroeder, Snoopy, Woodstock, or Pig Pen)  If you need a description click here .I have always liked Lucy because she wants to help others. Hubby says, I'm like her as well but I think he means because I can sometimes be a teeny weensy bit bossy. 

4.  What's something you're competitive about?OK, I had to ask Hubby about this one because I don't consider myself "Competitive" and he thought about if for all of 3 seconds and said "Tri-ominos". I do like to play this game and I do often beat him at it so maybe it's a good answer.

5. October is National Popcorn Popping Month...are you a fan?  How do you like your popcorn?Yes, I do like popcorn but only at the movies. I really like the tub of popcorn with a cup of diet soda because everyone knows that the diet soda cancels any thing bad in the popcorn!  

6.  When did you first realize the world is small?I have no memory that stands out but with all the technology we have today, the world is getting smaller and smaller.  Where else can we talk by Skype to our grandsons out on the west coast and in real time over the computer as if we are in the same room?  Everything is so fast now!  WOW I wonder what it will be like for our grandchildren in the coming years.

7.  In terms of architecture, what's the most beautiful building you've seen up close and in person?Clearly, Joyce travels more than I do or I don't travel as much as Joyce does. I cannot think of a building. Sorry.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

This past week my life has been pretty boring. I go to work, come home and clean, cook. play with dogs, knit, go to bed.  Not much to blog about, it's been quiet here but the beauty of where I live is all around me. I have been smelling other fireplaces/wood stoves going at night and the smell is wonderful! I love seeing the brilliant colors that are all around me. I love having a hot cup of coffee/tea/cocoa on the deck and listening to the quiet.  Soon, it will be too cold to do that so in the meantime, I'm loving it! 

OK your turn! Go!!!


  1. We live in a place that fills with color this time of year too and its hard to explain how every day you can look out your window and feel a little bit of awe. Do you know the David Crowder song called Everything Glorious? I sing it a lot this time of year : )

  2. What a sweet answer to #2. Tri-Ominos sounds like it would be a fun game ... for DH & me, and for the grands.

  3. Likes your answer to #8. Doesn't sound boring to me... just simple and wonderful!

  4. Our colors are just starting to change here. Still a lot of green. I'm hoping to get some good pictures this year of the trees. Boring is not always bad...at least there is nothing traumatic going on. What are you knitting right now?

    Have a great day

  5. New Hampshire and a country home?! Two of my favorite things. If I had to pick anywhere to go I would pick NH. I've only been there twice (once on my honeymoon and once on a family vacation when we took the kids) but loved it both times. The weather is perfect, the air is so clean and crisp and it is absolutely beautiful!

  6. Boring is highly underrated. There's a lot to be said for having a quiet, unhurried week. Our trees are just starting to turn colors here, but a southern fall will never compare to autumn in New England.

    I'm very competitive at board games. I play them like blood sports, and have no mercy on the meek or unsuspecting.

  7. I noticed the leaves on the trees here are now brown but it came from our extreme heat lately.
    They are burned. Gee I didn't know that about the diet soda and popcorn *wink*! Your colors are lovely, enjoy them.

  8. Your week sounds like a piece of heaven to me. I need a good week of quiet. I'd even take one day! Have a wonderful weekend.


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