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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge: Thanksgiving Time

Thank you Joyce for this weeks Thanksgiving Questions. 

1. Let's start with something controversial...dressing or stuffing? What's it called at your house and what's included in your recipe...cornbread? oysters? sausage? chestnuts?

We have stuffing. It's a meat type that Hubby grew up with and he makes it. Lots of it! Because I beg him to make lots of it! And I'm not above bribery or blackmail to get him to make his stuffing!  It has hamburger,  ground pork, potatoes, lots of onions, bread and seasonings and yes, it's not low carb but I am thankful for it because it is delish!!!!!

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

I  don't compare myself to other people per se, but to other people's talents.  "If only I could cook like Sharon. If only I could speak like Glenna. If only I could sing like Erica."  I have to stop myself and remind myself that I have talents too, and I am responsible to use them. Whatever they may be.

3. When were you last inside an airport?

WOW since I don't fly often and I also don't go pick up/drop off often, it has to be 2 years ago when Hubby got a chance to go visit the west coast kids and I picked him up at the airport.  WOW that was a long time ago.

4. What is one side dish that absolutely must be included in a turkey dinner?

Cranberry sauce made from scratch, which is not hard at all and is certainly not that can blob. Sorry for those who love the sauce in a can.

5. What Christmas song do you dread hearing?

The barking dogs barking out "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"  Don't get me wrong, I love dogs but not the singing ones.

6. If someone approaches you and asks for money do you give it to them? Do you drop money 'in a tin cup' that belongs to a person on the street? Do you have a specific charity you support during the holiday season and/or year round?

I don't get approached by strangers for money. I make sure that I do not look that inviting.  I have lived with a police officer way too long to allow someone I don't know to get that close to me.  Sorry folks.  We do support our church and the efforts there to reach out to the community.  We do give to Ganderbrook Christian Camp, which is a camp in Maine that many of the Churches of Christ in New England have access to. We also contribute to military veterans groups such as the DAV, Wounded Warriors Project, etc.

7. Share a favorite Thanksgiving memory. If you live in a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving share a favorite memory associated with food.

Our First Thanksgiving as Husband and Wife. We were stationed in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was very pregnant and we had just arrived at our new base. We didn't have time to get to the store to buy anything and I was on bed rest because the pregnancy was high risk.  The base gave us everything we needed and Hubby did all the cooking while I laid on the couch.  It was a wonderful time for us two before we became us three.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving every one.  I pray you all have someone's hand to hold and a cheek to kiss. I pray you have something to be thankful for and have something to look forward to.  I wish you  warmth, joy, and comfort in those times when your lives take a turn for the worst. Most of all I pray you all know God, thank Him for His son and become partakers in the free gift of salvation He offers.


  1. I make a cranberry relish that we all love. Except daughter2-she needs the canned which I also like. I need that for a sandwich later in the day : )

    Your NM Thanksgiving does sound special...enjoy your day tomorrow!

  2. Your dressing sounds good and the cranberries look good to.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  3. I had forgotten about the barking dogs - must say I don't care for that one either.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoyed your comments and the harvest angel pic is so sweet. I have never had a dressing like your hubby makes. It sounds delish!

  5. I also make cranberry sauce from scratch. We bring that along with my husband's wicked good macaroni and cheese casserole, plus a green vegetable to contribute to my sister's holiday feast.

    This year I'm trying something new. I'm going to substitute figs for my usual clementines to sweeten the tartness of the cranberries. This recipe also calls for cardamom, which I know nothing about.

    As an unadventurous cook (and using the word 'cook' for me is a stretch), trying a twist on my standard cranberry sauce with an unfamiliar spice is really going out on a limb for me. My husband likes to say that when I cook we pray after the meal.

    This Thanksgiving I'm grateful for everything I give thanks for in my prayers at night: My husband and family, dear friends,cherished pets, good health, work I enjoy, plus enough wisdom to recognize how blessed I am.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. We do like the blob in the can but only because it's what we grew up with. Sorry about the bedrest but what a sweet Thanksgiving memory.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  7. I love your Thanksgiving memory. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. The stuffing sounds very interesting!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I bet that stuffing is amazing! I grew up on the cranberry "blob in a can" but I don't have to have it! Any cranberries will do as long as there's plenty of sugar !

  10. That was a wonderful prayer you prayed, Lynn Marie, especially that people would know Jesus! Your hubby's stuffing does sound good! Never had homemake cranberries, but I bet they are good too. I've been reading these hodgepodge entries today and been getting hungry with everyone saying things about Thanksgiving, LOL.

    What a special Thanksgiving memory you shared with us!

    I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  11. What a great Thanksgiving memory! Wonderful story.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Lynn Marie! I hope you have a very special holiday. :)


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